Edmonton Fireplace Experts
For 20 years, Edmonton Fireplaces has been helping Edmontonians enjoy the beauty and comfort of natural wood, efficient gas, and stylish electric fireplaces. We’re fully certified by Wood Energy Technology Transfer (WETT), a non-profit training and education association dedicated to promoting the safe and effective use of wood burning fireplaces, and licensed gas fitters for gas units. What’s more, we’ve built a strong network of relationships with leading suppliers and name-brand fireplace manufacturers to bring our clients the best in wood, gas, and electric fireplaces. Offering a range of fireplaces and inserts from both Canadian and international manufacturers, we pride ourselves on providing best in standalone and insert fireplaces, and will be happy to find you the exact fireplace or accessory to fit your home’s individual needs. We also provide a complete service of fireplace repair, maintenance, and inspection services, helping with residential renovations, commercial jobs, and new home construction. Locally owned and operated since 1996, Edmonton Fireplaces continues to help keep Edmonton cozy. Find out for yourself—contact us today!